conditionals lesson on cases and logics
An introduction to JavaScript conditionals
Types of logics for your conditionals
Some types of conditinals to compare,constrast add, or, and more. 2+ values which eaither runs the loop our countinues to the next segment or next part of the code.
- == value is equal to
- === value is strictly equal to (used for strings and more)
- != not equal to
- !== is not equal to (used for strings and more)
- > greater than
- < less than
- >= greater than or equal to
- <= less than or equal to
- && and (ex: if(fruit === "apple" && isRipe == true))
- || or (ex: if(fruit === "apple" || fruit ==="banana"))
- ! is not
Swich Statements
<div id="output1"></div>
function code(){
let fruit = "apple"
const output = document.getElementById("output1")
case "apple":
output.innerHTML = "Apples sound great!"
case "banana":
output.innerHTML = "Bananas sound great!"
case "durian":
output.innerHTML = "YUCK!"
case "":
output.innerHTML = "I was looking forward to eating this week :("
When you pass a value through a swich statment it will go through all provided cases to see which ones mach
a case is determend with the keyword “case” folowed by a value which and ended with a “:”
if the perameters inside of your case matches the value provided (ex: you peovide the number 1 and a case sees if
its 1) it will run the given code inside of the case
Ternary Operator
<div id="output2"></div>
function code(){
let fruit = "apple";
let output = document.getElementById("output2");
let message = (fruit === "apple") ? "this item is super effective" : "item is bad bad";
output.innerHTML = message;
When using (fruit === “apple”)
it will provide a bool value with the output of the given perams
If folowed by a ? code : code;
the ? is the if part so if its true that code will run whitch in this case sets the value of message
the : represents the else so that section of code with run if the requrments are nor met