Sprint 4 Final Review


I brainstormed with my other team members our ideas for our changes and helped make an issue with some pictures and a little text of the ideas.


Working/trying stuff with the game definitely did help me learn more, or at least about problem shooting/fixing bugs. My task was to change the npc sprite. Although my original goal was to actually the player sprite, I discovered that changing the player sprite was more complicated and connected to more things than some of the other sprites. I could probably still learn more about it, but because of that I ended up deciding to change one of the npc sprites. It introduced me to code about frames which is something I hadn’t really dealt with before and learned a bit about. I successfully changed the sprite and was able to make it so that it was touching the ground and not floating. I also was the one who made the pull request.


I learned about working together in groups and the agile process. I also learned a bit about changing sprites and user stories. I also had started looking into how to add requirements like having to collect all the coins in the level first before being able to go to the next level.


When trying to change the player sprite and when trying to change the level ending to require collecting all the coins, some changes when I tested it locally seemed to break the game, or have some aspect not work properly. Also when making the pull request and it having a lot of old commits that weren’t part of our level changes and seemed like it would cause a merge conflict if it was accepted. I also probably could’ve collaborated a bit more but I did try to talk to and communicate with the rest of the team.


  • helped figure out branch configuration so doing git pull would update each person’s own branch
  • researched a bit and tried to figure out/trouble shoot issues that came up
  • helping with integration by creating pull request

General Reflection

I’m pretty sure there’s still plenty of things I need to learn/don’t know but I do feel I’ve learned from interacting and trying to change the game. It helped give me a better understanding of game code and how it’s organized.

Personal Journal


Me and my other team members each have notebook for our help system. Currently we’re trying to solve an issue where we can’t see one of our team member’s notebooks. I learned a bit about branches but were still struggling with fixing the issue even after trying to merge his branch with the main branch. I helped fix an error that showed up when trying to merge the branches that I had previously gotten myself. But we still can’t see his notebook.


Earlier today I made a pull request for our help system notebooks, but I couldn’t include Kian’s notebook because I still couldn’t see it. We have done a bit more planning and now have more of an idea of what we are going to try to do.